Tom was a police officer who was having severe lower back and right leg pain.  All they way down to his foot.  It came on unexpectedly one day after bending over to tie his shoe.  He has had back pain before but never like this, and never down his leg.  It hurt to walk, bend, and sneeze.  Sleeping was also terrible. He was afraid that he might need lower back surgery to fix this, and would he be able to continue being a police officer?   Tom had been to our office before for treatment of neck pain.  He was hoping we could do something to help with his back and leg pain.  We did a thorough history and examination and determined he had a bulging lumbar disc that was pressing on his sciatic nerve.  Based on Tom’s findings and his goals we outlined a short concise treatment program of 3 visits a week for 4 weeks.  We outlined the treatments we were going to do and some home recommendations that he must follow. We felt confident that we could help him with his pain and get him back to work in little time.  The great news is that he followed our recommendations and within a week was back at work and within a months’ time was complete pain free.


Check out this video that shows what you can do to help sciatic nerve pain.

Dr. Craig Benton

Dr. Craig Benton

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